Matched route
Route Parameters
Name | Value |
_canonical_route | "tl_page.297" |
_format | "html" |
_locale | "fr" |
_route_object | Contao\CoreBundle\Routing\Page\PageRoute {#3071 -path: "/actualites{!parameters}" -host: "" -schemes: [ "https" ] -methods: [] -defaults: [ "_controller" => "Contao\FrontendIndex::renderPage" "_scope" => "frontend" "_locale" => "fr" "_format" => "html" "_canonical_route" => "tl_page.297" "parameters" => "" "pageModel" => Contao\PageModel {#1129 #arrData: [ "id" => 297 "pid" => 225 "sorting" => 640 "tstamp" => 1722329326 "title" => "Actualités" "alias" => "actualites" "type" => "regular" "pageTitle" => "" "language" => "fr" "robots" => "index,follow" "description" => null "redirect" => "permanent" "jumpTo" => 0 "url" => "" "target" => false "dns" => "" "staticFiles" => "" "staticPlugins" => "" "fallback" => false "adminEmail" => "" "dateFormat" => "j. F Y" "timeFormat" => "H:i" "datimFormat" => "d.m.Y" "useSSL" => false "autoforward" => false "protected" => false "groups" => [] "includeLayout" => true "layout" => 32 "includeCache" => false "cache" => 3600 "includeChmod" => false "cuser" => 1 "cgroup" => 0 "chmod" => "a:9:{i:0;s:2:"u1";i:1;s:2:"u2";i:2;s:2:"u3";i:3;s:2:"u4";i:4;s:2:"u5";i:5;s:2:"u6";i:6;s:2:"g4";i:7;s:2:"g5";i:8;s:2:"g6";}" "noSearch" => false "cssClass" => "" "sitemap" => "map_default" "hide" => false "accesskey" => "" "published" => true "start" => "" "stop" => "" "redirectBack" => false "clientCache" => 3600 "rsmm_id" => 0 "rsmm_enabled" => "" "rsmm_image" => null "rsmm_color" => "a:2:{i:0;s:0:"";i:1;s:0:"";}" "rsmm_subtitle" => "" "urlPrefix" => "" "urlSuffix" => "" "useFolderUrl" => false "enforceTwoFactor" => false "requireItem" => false "alwaysLoadFromCache" => false "validAliasCharacters" => "" "mailerTransport" => "mailtrap" "robotsTxt" => null "favicon" => null "disableLanguageRedirect" => false "twoFactorJumpTo" => 0 "subpageLayout" => 0 "canonicalKeepParams" => "" "canonicalLink" => "" "enableCanonical" => false "maintenanceMode" => false "routePriority" => 0 "alwaysForward" => false "newsArchives" => null "feedFormat" => "rss" "feedSource" => "source_teaser" "maxFeedItems" => 25 "feedFeatured" => "all_items" "feedDescription" => null "imgSize" => "" "languageMain" => 0 "languageRoot" => 0 "languageQuery" => "" "enableCsp" => false "csp" => null "cspReportOnly" => false "cspReportLog" => false "newsCategories_param" => "" "newsCategories" => null "newsCategories_show" => "" "activateCookiebar" => "" "triggerCookiebar" => "" "prefillCookies" => "" "overwriteCookiebarMeta" => "" "cookiebarConfig" => "" "cookiebarDescription" => null "cookiebarInfoDescription" => null "cookiebarInfoUrls" => null "cookiebarExcludePages" => null "cookiebarTemplate" => "" "cookiebarButtonColorScheme" => "" "cookiebarAlignment" => "" "cookiebarBlocking" => "" "cookiebarHideOnInit" => "" "mainAlias" => "actualites" "mainTitle" => "Actualités" "mainPageTitle" => "Actualités" "parentAlias" => "client" "parentTitle" => "Client" "parentPageTitle" => "Client" "folderUrl" => "" "rootId" => 225 "rootAlias" => "client" "rootTitle" => "Client" "rootPageTitle" => "Client" "rootSorting" => 16 "domain" => "" "rootLanguage" => "fr" "rootIsPublic" => true "rootIsFallback" => true "rootUseSSL" => true "rootFallbackLanguage" => "fr" "trail" => [ 225 297 ] "isPublic" => true "hasJQuery" => true "hasMooTools" => false "layoutId" => 32 "template" => "fe_page" "templateGroup" => "templates/client" "minifyMarkup" => true ] #arrModified: [ "groups" => null "cache" => 0 "clientCache" => 0 "mainAlias" => null "mainTitle" => null "mainPageTitle" => null "parentAlias" => null "parentTitle" => null "parentPageTitle" => null "folderUrl" => null "rootId" => null "rootAlias" => null "rootTitle" => null "rootPageTitle" => null "rootSorting" => null "domain" => null "rootLanguage" => null "language" => "" "dateFormat" => "" "timeFormat" => "" "datimFormat" => "" "mailerTransport" => "" "enableCanonical" => true "csp" => null "rootIsPublic" => null "rootIsFallback" => null "rootUseSSL" => null "rootFallbackLanguage" => null "trail" => null "isPublic" => null "hasJQuery" => null "hasMooTools" => null "layoutId" => null "template" => null "templateGroup" => null "minifyMarkup" => null ] #arrRelations: [ "jumpTo" => [ "table" => "tl_page" "field" => "id" "type" => "hasOne" "load" => "lazy" ] "groups" => [ "table" => "tl_member_group" "field" => "id" "type" => "hasMany" "load" => "lazy" ] "layout" => [ "table" => "tl_layout" "field" => "id" "type" => "hasOne" "load" => "lazy" ] "subpageLayout" => [ "table" => "tl_layout" "field" => "id" "type" => "hasOne" "load" => "lazy" ] "cuser" => [ "table" => "tl_user" "field" => "id" "type" => "hasOne" "load" => "lazy" ] "cgroup" => [ "table" => "tl_user_group" "field" => "id" "type" => "hasOne" "load" => "lazy" ] "twoFactorJumpTo" => [ "table" => "tl_page" "field" => "id" "type" => "hasOne" "load" => "lazy" ] "cookiebarInfoUrls" => [ "table" => "tl_page" "field" => "id" "type" => "hasOne" "load" => "lazy" ] "cookiebarExcludePages" => [ "table" => "tl_page" "field" => "id" "type" => "hasOne" "load" => "lazy" ] "newsCategories" => [ "table" => "tl_news_category" "field" => "id" "type" => "hasMany" "load" => "lazy" ] ] #arrRelated: [] #arrEnums: [] #blnPreventSaving: true #blnDetailsLoaded: true } ] -requirements: [ "parameters" => "(/.+?)?" ] -options: [ "compiler_class" => "Contao\CoreBundle\Routing\Page\PageRouteCompiler" "utf8" => true ] -condition: "" -compiled: Symfony\Component\Routing\CompiledRoute {#1077 …} -pageModel: Contao\PageModel {#1129} -routeKey: "tl_page.297" -urlPrefix: "" -urlSuffix: "" -content: null } |
_scope | "frontend" |
pageModel | Contao\PageModel {#1129 #arrData: [ "id" => 297 "pid" => 225 "sorting" => 640 "tstamp" => 1722329326 "title" => "Actualités" "alias" => "actualites" "type" => "regular" "pageTitle" => "" "language" => "fr" "robots" => "index,follow" "description" => null "redirect" => "permanent" "jumpTo" => 0 "url" => "" "target" => false "dns" => "" "staticFiles" => "" "staticPlugins" => "" "fallback" => false "adminEmail" => "" "dateFormat" => "j. F Y" "timeFormat" => "H:i" "datimFormat" => "d.m.Y" "useSSL" => false "autoforward" => false "protected" => false "groups" => [] "includeLayout" => true "layout" => 32 "includeCache" => false "cache" => 3600 "includeChmod" => false "cuser" => 1 "cgroup" => 0 "chmod" => "a:9:{i:0;s:2:"u1";i:1;s:2:"u2";i:2;s:2:"u3";i:3;s:2:"u4";i:4;s:2:"u5";i:5;s:2:"u6";i:6;s:2:"g4";i:7;s:2:"g5";i:8;s:2:"g6";}" "noSearch" => false "cssClass" => "" "sitemap" => "map_default" "hide" => false "accesskey" => "" "published" => true "start" => "" "stop" => "" "redirectBack" => false "clientCache" => 3600 "rsmm_id" => 0 "rsmm_enabled" => "" "rsmm_image" => null "rsmm_color" => "a:2:{i:0;s:0:"";i:1;s:0:"";}" "rsmm_subtitle" => "" "urlPrefix" => "" "urlSuffix" => "" "useFolderUrl" => false "enforceTwoFactor" => false "requireItem" => false "alwaysLoadFromCache" => false "validAliasCharacters" => "" "mailerTransport" => "mailtrap" "robotsTxt" => null "favicon" => null "disableLanguageRedirect" => false "twoFactorJumpTo" => 0 "subpageLayout" => 0 "canonicalKeepParams" => "" "canonicalLink" => "" "enableCanonical" => false "maintenanceMode" => false "routePriority" => 0 "alwaysForward" => false "newsArchives" => null "feedFormat" => "rss" "feedSource" => "source_teaser" "maxFeedItems" => 25 "feedFeatured" => "all_items" "feedDescription" => null "imgSize" => "" "languageMain" => 0 "languageRoot" => 0 "languageQuery" => "" "enableCsp" => false "csp" => null "cspReportOnly" => false "cspReportLog" => false "newsCategories_param" => "" "newsCategories" => null "newsCategories_show" => "" "activateCookiebar" => "" "triggerCookiebar" => "" "prefillCookies" => "" "overwriteCookiebarMeta" => "" "cookiebarConfig" => "" "cookiebarDescription" => null "cookiebarInfoDescription" => null "cookiebarInfoUrls" => null "cookiebarExcludePages" => null "cookiebarTemplate" => "" "cookiebarButtonColorScheme" => "" "cookiebarAlignment" => "" "cookiebarBlocking" => "" "cookiebarHideOnInit" => "" "mainAlias" => "actualites" "mainTitle" => "Actualités" "mainPageTitle" => "Actualités" "parentAlias" => "client" "parentTitle" => "Client" "parentPageTitle" => "Client" "folderUrl" => "" "rootId" => 225 "rootAlias" => "client" "rootTitle" => "Client" "rootPageTitle" => "Client" "rootSorting" => 16 "domain" => "" "rootLanguage" => "fr" "rootIsPublic" => true "rootIsFallback" => true "rootUseSSL" => true "rootFallbackLanguage" => "fr" "trail" => [ 225 297 ] "isPublic" => true "hasJQuery" => true "hasMooTools" => false "layoutId" => 32 "template" => "fe_page" "templateGroup" => "templates/client" "minifyMarkup" => true ] #arrModified: [ "groups" => null "cache" => 0 "clientCache" => 0 "mainAlias" => null "mainTitle" => null "mainPageTitle" => null "parentAlias" => null "parentTitle" => null "parentPageTitle" => null "folderUrl" => null "rootId" => null "rootAlias" => null "rootTitle" => null "rootPageTitle" => null "rootSorting" => null "domain" => null "rootLanguage" => null "language" => "" "dateFormat" => "" "timeFormat" => "" "datimFormat" => "" "mailerTransport" => "" "enableCanonical" => true "csp" => null "rootIsPublic" => null "rootIsFallback" => null "rootUseSSL" => null "rootFallbackLanguage" => null "trail" => null "isPublic" => null "hasJQuery" => null "hasMooTools" => null "layoutId" => null "template" => null "templateGroup" => null "minifyMarkup" => null ] #arrRelations: [ "jumpTo" => [ "table" => "tl_page" "field" => "id" "type" => "hasOne" "load" => "lazy" ] "groups" => [ "table" => "tl_member_group" "field" => "id" "type" => "hasMany" "load" => "lazy" ] "layout" => [ "table" => "tl_layout" "field" => "id" "type" => "hasOne" "load" => "lazy" ] "subpageLayout" => [ "table" => "tl_layout" "field" => "id" "type" => "hasOne" "load" => "lazy" ] "cuser" => [ "table" => "tl_user" "field" => "id" "type" => "hasOne" "load" => "lazy" ] "cgroup" => [ "table" => "tl_user_group" "field" => "id" "type" => "hasOne" "load" => "lazy" ] "twoFactorJumpTo" => [ "table" => "tl_page" "field" => "id" "type" => "hasOne" "load" => "lazy" ] "cookiebarInfoUrls" => [ "table" => "tl_page" "field" => "id" "type" => "hasOne" "load" => "lazy" ] "cookiebarExcludePages" => [ "table" => "tl_page" "field" => "id" "type" => "hasOne" "load" => "lazy" ] "newsCategories" => [ "table" => "tl_news_category" "field" => "id" "type" => "hasMany" "load" => "lazy" ] ] #arrRelated: [] #arrEnums: [] #blnPreventSaving: true #blnDetailsLoaded: true } |
parameters | "" |
Route Matching Logs
Path to match:
# | Route name | Path | Log |
1 | _wdt | /_wdt/{token} | Path does not match |
2 | _profiler_home | /_profiler/ | Path does not match |
3 | _profiler_search | /_profiler/search | Path does not match |
4 | _profiler_search_bar | /_profiler/search_bar | Path does not match |
5 | _profiler_phpinfo | /_profiler/phpinfo | Path does not match |
6 | _profiler_xdebug | /_profiler/xdebug | Path does not match |
7 | _profiler_font | /_profiler/font/{fontName}.woff2 | Path does not match |
8 | _profiler_search_results | /_profiler/{token}/search/results | Path does not match |
9 | _profiler_open_file | /_profiler/open | Path does not match |
10 | _profiler | /_profiler/{token} | Path does not match |
11 | _profiler_router | /_profiler/{token}/router | Path does not match |
12 | _profiler_exception | /_profiler/{token}/exception | Path does not match |
13 | _profiler_exception_css | /_profiler/{token}/exception.css | Path does not match |
14 | terminal42_leads_export | /contao/leads-export/{id} | Path does not match |
15 | cookiebar_block | /cookiebar/block/{locale}/{id} | Path does not match |
16 | cookiebar_prepare | /cookiebar/{module} | Path does not match |
17 | contao_core_altcha__invoke | /_contao/altcha_challenge | Path does not match |
18 | contao_backend | /contao | Path does not match |
19 | contao_backend_login | /contao/login | Path does not match |
20 | contao_backend_login_link | /contao/login-link | Path does not match |
21 | contao_backend_logout | /contao/logout | Path does not match |
22 | contao_backend_password | /contao/password | Path does not match |
23 | contao_backend_confirm | /contao/confirm | Path does not match |
24 | contao_backend_help | /contao/help | Path does not match |
25 | contao_backend_popup | /contao/popup | Path does not match |
26 | contao_backend_alerts | /contao/alerts | Path does not match |
27 | contao_backend_picker | /contao/picker | Path does not match |
28 | contao_backend_preview | /contao/preview | Path does not match |
29 | contao_backend_switch | /contao/preview_switch | Path does not match |
30 | contao_frontend_captcha | /_contao/captcha/{_locale} | Path does not match |
31 | contao_core_cspreporter__invoke | /_contao/csp/report/{page} | Path does not match |
32 | contao_core_favicon__invoke | /favicon.ico | Path does not match |
33 | contao_frontend_cron | /_contao/cron | Path does not match |
34 | contao_frontend_share | /_contao/share | Path does not match |
35 | contao_frontend_logout | /_contao/logout | Path does not match |
36 | contao_frontend_check_cookies | /_contao/check_cookies | Path does not match |
37 | contao_frontend_request_token_script | /_contao/request_token_script | Path does not match |
38 | contao_preview_link | /_contao/preview/{id} | Path does not match |
39 | contao_core_robotstxt__invoke | /robots.txt | Path does not match |
40 | contao_core_sitemap__invoke | /sitemap.xml | Path does not match |
41 | contao_images | /assets/images/{path} | Path does not match |
42 | contao_backend_redirect | /contao/ | Path does not match |
43 | url_rewrite_qr_code | /url_rewrite_qr_code/{url} | Path does not match |
44 | rocksolid_frontend_helper_elements | /contao/rocksolid-frontend-helper/elements | Path does not match |
45 | rocksolid_frontend_helper_insert | /contao/rocksolid-frontend-helper/insert | Path does not match |
46 | rocksolid_frontend_helper_delete | /contao/rocksolid-frontend-helper/delete | Path does not match |
47 | rocksolid_frontend_helper_render | /_rocksolid-frontend-helper/render | Path does not match |
48 | tl_page.226.root | / | Path does not match |
49 | tl_page.225.root | / | Path does not match |
50 | tl_page.1.root | / | Path does not match |
51 | tl_page.297 | /actualites{!parameters} | Route matches! |
Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.